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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a transformative journey in a woman's life, marked by physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. Alongside the joy and anticipation, it often brings discomfort, pain, and stress on the body. In recent years, chiropractic care has emerged as a highly effective approach to support pregnant women through these challenges.

Chiropractic care has been shown to help with the following common ailments:

1. Alleviation of Pregnancy-Related Pain:

Pregnancy-related musculoskeletal pain is a common complaint among expecting mothers, affecting various areas such as the lower back, pelvis, and hips. Chiropractic adjustments, which involve gentle adjustments of the spine and nervous system, have been shown to effectively alleviate these discomforts. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (2014) concluded that chiropractic care significantly reduced low back pain in pregnant women when compared to standard obstetric care alone.

2. Improved Pelvic Alignment and Function:

During pregnancy, hormonal changes like relaxin production can lead to increased joint laxity, particularly in the pelvis. This may contribute to pelvic misalignment, which can exacerbate discomfort and potentially lead to complications during labor and delivery. Chiropractic adjustments aimed at restoring pelvic alignment and function have been found to be beneficial. Research published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (2002) demonstrated that chiropractic manipulation of the pelvis helped reduce the duration of labor and the need for extensive pain relief during delivery.

3. Enhanced Overall Well-being:

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's overall well-being, impacting sleep quality, energy levels, and emotional health. Chiropractic care, through its focus on spinal health and nervous system function, aims to optimise the body's natural healing abilities. A study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (2019) found that pregnant women receiving chiropractic care reported improvements in sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and enhanced overall quality of life compared to those who did not receive chiropractic care.

4. Facilitation of Optimal Fetal Positioning:

The position of the fetus in the womb, particularly during the later stages of pregnancy, can influence the ease and safety of labor and delivery. Chiropractic techniques like the Webster Technique, which involves specific adjustments to the sacrum and pelvis, aim to create optimal conditions for fetal positioning. While more research is needed in this area, a preliminary study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (2002) suggested that the Webster Technique may help facilitate breech babies to move into the head-down position.

Chiropractic care offers pregnant women a safe, non-invasive approach to addressing the physical challenges and discomforts associated with pregnancy. By focusing on spinal alignment, pelvic health, and nervous system function, chiropractors aim to support the body's innate ability to heal and adapt during this transformative time. 

Dr. Oceane Clement, our chiropractor at Bloom Chiropractic in Rolleston, Christchurch is specialised in pregnancy chiropractic care. She has undergone specific training tailored to address the unique needs of pregnant women. One notable aspect of Dr. Oceane's expertise is her participation in Spinning Babies seminars and further training in the Webster technique, this ensures her patients receive safe and effective care throughout their journey to motherhood.


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